Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our New Home

Hello from Salt Lake City, Utah, our new home. We have survived the move and are now trying to survive the many challenges ahead. And our current challenge of Nora's pregnancy! I have to say this has been very different that my first experience. I am generally a little queazy, but you would think I am having quadruplets by how tired I have been. Anyhow we are so excited and just hope things remain positive from here on out.

Our little Elliot is just a ball of joy for us. I am officially trying to document more of his funny little quips. like "Mom it's darking outside" - nighttime, "Dad I'm stucking" - he's stuck. We love these new words because he has turned adjectives into verbs, signs of brillance already! We were recently informed that he, while upset with our current rules, is "Moving Out!". I think there are many families who would be happy to take him in.

Our new neighborhood has been great so far, we have met a lot of the neighbors. One neighbor took count and there are 39 kids under 18 just on our block! Elliot has 3-4 kids just at his age, with many more with in a few years.


Emily Hansen said...

Hi Nora. Thanks for sharing your blog. It will be fun to check in on what your cute family is up to, especially now that you are a little further away. Happy Birthday to Elliot tomorrow. Take Care!

Stephens Family said...

so glad you're surviving, when are you coming up? We need to do lunch again! I'm sad you're gone!

Kate, Brian and Hazel said...

Hello there...i hope our "hike" didn't tire you out too much. I'm glad we got to start about 57 different conversations, maybe we'll get to finish some next time...toddlers:)
Hazel has a crush...even though the relationship is a bit dysfunctional and abusive at times, she can't get her mind off of cute elliot!

Amy F. said...

Glad you finally "blogged" ;)
I LOVE my little El -and of course he's smart, he's related to ME!
That is a lot of kids. Tell Elliot hello, and sorry about the belated birthday wish. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIOT!! You're THREE!